Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New Project

Well the last few days I've been tinkering with an old idea which often leads to a new project.

The spark for said new project? A combination of factors actually...
A huge Anti-Nazi conversation in class due to a poor joke reference to Seinfeld's Soup Nazi
A History Channel program on the planes of WW2
and my Grandmother suffering from a heart attack.

While these events (especially the latter) seem trivial, they have gotten me energized to put work in on a concept I've wanted to do for a long time, namely a 'fleet' of WW2 era planes for count as Deff Koptas. (For clarification, my Grandmother who I love and adore helped manufacturer war planes during WW2 while my Grandfather was a pilot for the then Army Air Core.)

If I could find my blasted camera I'd have some photos of it. But (very ANNOYINGLY) I can't find it, which as led me to waste precious time tearing my room apart, when instead of looking for a camera (or working on minis for that matter) should be studying for my finals.

I will however leave this post with a picture of this...
It's a Republic P-37 Thunderbolt firing all 8 of its 50 Cal machine guns presumably at a military target somewhere around 65 to 70 years ago. While it may not be the fighter my grandfather flew in the Pacific, he certainly saw and worked alongside of them, and you can't deny that it has an Ork-ish feel to it. Ok well you could but I'd tell you 'Your wrong.'


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