Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dakka Jets Complete!

So this is really just to show off the completed work on the build and paint side of the Jets (well the base for Jet 2 as well), I really think it's some of the best I've done, and Dakka2 is currently my favorite scratchbuilt (Dakka 2's the one with the scenic base by the way)



Friday, October 26, 2012

46 hours in, Dakka Jets

Ugh.  Past few days this projekt has seen multiple setbacks, the worst of which being multiple breakages which force rebuilding, a few stray pieces and multiple real life encurisons when trying to work on this.  As such 46 hours is the current stand, and for that I suppose it is a good amount of work, just not as much as I'd like.

(note hour 40 projekt update is here in the Junkyard thread)

The landing gear built for Dakka 1 has been reappropriated for Dakka 2, it works better here, especially with it modified at an angle, the problem with the landing gear originally was that it broke the speed feel of the model.

Also have the first side flap of Dakka 2 built up.  It's not perfect, but its not as bad as it could be.  Once the other side is complete the only thing left on Dakka 2 will be to finish plating and then it's complete.  I only pray I don't have to reconstruct anymore of it, otherwise my target completion of the end of the month will be missed.

Dakka 1 has been a bit more successful in construction during this time block.  On the right is after 3 or 4 hours in, the left is the current.
The guns are great, but I'm personally thrilled at the additions of the Leman Russ vents.  The round tanks are from the Leman Russ set as well, originally part of the forward mounted Lascannon.  When I put it together I was originally thinking of them as external fuel tanks, but the more I look at it all together, they look more like ammo drums.  Either case this bird is relatively well.  All that's left for her is finishing the last details on the engines

Au Travail.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

DakkaJet Update 36 hours in

Well here's a big ole update on the DakkaJet Projekt hour 36...

 The wings for Jet 2 have inlaid housings for the Supa Shootas and the beginnings of wing flaps that are ready for plating.  Additionally there are 4 ready to mount Supa Shootas and all the parts ready for an additional 4 (well one needs drilling, and 4 need an additional housing detail, but just about ready to run).

Jet 1's front intake is ready to roll and the canopy work is... well done.  I had originally wanted to do something a little different with the jet, my plan had been to switch the rear canopy around and place a pilot in there, but it just didn't work out.  In any case I dig it, and besides no good conversion ever goes exactly as planned.

The base now has a Killa Kan torso.  It's actually one of my favorite scratch Kans I've ever built, shame he's already dead.  

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Brushing the Dust off

So I only recently remembered that this blog existed, so I'm brushing the dust off and bringing it back as an excuse to build more shtuff.  Also I've recently realized that I really like the build than post progress, especially because looking where it came from and the evolution of a model's progress is cool.  And who knows, maybe something someone will read.

Currently I'm working on a project for 40konline's Way of the Waaagh's event titled The Junkyard: Gitz it Done Event II.  The Event is a way to encourage participants to complete their Orky projekts that are incomplete and get them to tabletop standard by the end of the month.  My contribution is 2 Jets out of 1 box.

This is where I started the projekt out on the 5th.
 As you can see, not all that impressive.  Just the main body of the standard kit mocked together with rubberbands and 2 length of PVC pipe cut and glued together at close to the same proportions (admittedly not exact, but close).

Now I am 30 hours into the projekt, and they look considerably different.  I'm not going to post all the WIP's here, especially when I've already done so on the Junkyard post.  But I will be posting the current looks, starting with the Base...

At the beginning of this block of time (post hour 26) the scenic base for the scratchbuilt looked like it does
on the left.  Pretty cool huh?  I think so.  I based the base on the old Orky concept of scrap piles, and what better resembles scrap than a blown up Leman Russ and cut up bits of sprue?  (Yes the side of the Russ is scratchbuilt from card).  Anyway shortly after posting my last update on 40konline, I was putting some boxes away, when one fell out of my hands and scattered its contents across the floor of my closet.

It was there that I rediscovered this old gem I had managed to trade for, an old 2nd Edition era Lictor. I've always been a fan of the Lictor, both as a model in all its incarnations, and from a fluff perspective, but rulewise they've progressively gotten worse every edition.  But this was a chance to rejuvenate the old!

You may note that there aren't legs or the Scything Talons, that's Ok though.  Gives a bit of a challenge.

So here I am, plopped him in hanging on to the pipe I had to add as support.  He fit in unbelievably perfectly into the nitch, it's rare something works so easily for me.  The Talons I got in a trade, I think from the Trygon kit, whereas the leg is from the Warriors kit.  I also figured with those cool Flesh Tendrils firing he needed some poor victim around so I put out one of the AoBR Orks (3 piece models that were hard to convert, this is a good use for him.)

If you couldn't tell, working on this one base is a considerable drain on time, but it is quite worth it I think.  At this point the base itself without the flyer would work well as a centerpiece for an army.  But of course there's still a long ways until its finished.

Moving onto the Jets themselves, most of the work on paneling has taken place.  Jet 1 now only needs the undercarriage, specifically under the wings, but is on hold until I figure out the other weapon mounts.  Jet 2 (the scratchbuilt), is about 60% in this stage, the top portion is complete but I still need a bit on the sides.  The bottom can't be done until everything else is so I can find where the center of balance is to attach the pipe.
It was at this point that I realized that Jet 2 felt slow.  Originally I thought this was due to only having 3 thrusters instead of the 5 on Jet 1 and thought about adding a couple extra engines.  However instead of doing that I rumaged through the bits box and found some DE rudders for wings!
 The picture doesn't do it justice, but then again I'm a model builder not a photographer.  The whole thing (especially when the wings are removed) reminds me of the Batman Returns Batmobile, not what I was meaning to build, but nevertheless cool.

Anyway I'll leave this post with this.