Saturday, September 11, 2010

Getting behind

Been behind on my updates due to the return of college life mixed with a lack of funds for more glue. The last thing I built was a couple Ammo boxes to use as Ammo Grot tokens.

One of the other reasons I'm backlogged is that I've become the Warlord of 40konline’s Way of the Waaagh (essentially the main leader/motivator of the forum).

But naturally I have the urge to build, which leads to the need to take photos and find someplace to store them, namely this blog. And since I've gotten my grubby little mits on some photocopied pages of Imperial Armor 8 I have plenty of new projects in mind!

One in particular will derail Projekt KoS for the time being, as there is a game at my LGS next month where they want everyone to bring in Imperial Armor lists (hence why I have the photocopy).

With little time, few bits, and the cheapest superglue I could find I'm gonna do my best to get together an IA 8 list ASAP.

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