I considered adding to him the Cybork Arm I made a while
Anyway made the Bionic Arm at the same time as the prototype Deluxe Kickin Legs that I've given this Mek (which would place the creation of both scratchbuilt bits at May 5th). This idea was scrapped though, as I came to realize that such a Bionic arm could and would be mistaken as a Power Klaw.
Finishing up the Mek I put together a little konversion of a PowerDrill, and to give him a second arm I figured a control device of some kind was in order. Sadly I didn't have something fancy like to use, so his controller is a little daff, but I figure with all the other work on this single mini (which again I should be postponing till the harder stuff is done as single HQ minis get a lot of attention and fun detailing) one shortcut isn't too horrible.
I was considering leaving his head alone with the accidental hardened Greenstuff covering his eye in an almost skarred effect, but a better idea came about as I discovered part of a bit from an Eldar Falcon.
The bit in question was what me and several mates used to consider as the Holo Field emitter. Which is why I had used most of it in a previous KFF and tossed the rest of it in my (ever decreasing) bitz box only to discover that they make amazing Tech-goggles!
As for that box behind this Big Mek... (hmm he needs a propa name, Big Mek GutZag) that box is a new idea I had. Since there's room on the base, and a need to add guitar wire from the drill to some sort of power source I put this little generator/tool box together, which not only is an interesting detail, but doubles as a counter for how many Grot Oilers he has left (or wounds).
So dats da Mek for now
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