So somebody recently messaged me about a konversion from a distant time, sometime between late 07 early 08. It was about my Mega Nobz, which were originally created due to a 'friendly' challenge that I play against him without Trukks, Tanks, or Bikes utilizing Mega Nobz, which at that time I had never really used.
To be honest part of this challenge was because he had given me a Mega for xmas or my birthday or somefin. Not wanting to put out a ton of money I thought I'd konvert em up myself. My prototype was... well interesting.

The head from what then was the current Black Ork set (it was soon replaced by the better plastic), sprue legs, and plasticcard (+ a liberal amount of bits). At the time I thought this was really nice, but looking back at this picture before painting makes me realize that I could do better.

Anyways after a couple of konversions of the same thing you start to get the hang of it and they start getting better, and in no time a good konversion starts building itself and the designs only improve. This is evidenced by these lads, as well as the threesome underneath.

I even had some fun and built up a Mega Armored Grot (not for play purposes of course. This little 'boy' is named Furt. Fluff-wise he was just a regular Grot until the town's Bad Dok grafted on some Boy arms to him, givin old Furt the strength to knock him out, steal his gold teef, and get an ignorant Mekboy to give him Mega Armor (that Mek in particular thought the Nob was a little short, but who can argue with a chest full of gold teef!)
Not after long in need of Warbosses (yeah right like I'm gonna buy Ghaz) I ended up constructing this monster, which I have some in progress pics of.

He was named 'Boss Solorg' after the man with the plan, Solorg, one of the best posters on a web forum ever (who somehow got banned and I never found out why, but oh well.) Not being content with just the one I mocked up another which I also named after an online forum friend, 'Boss Gutstikk'

Now, with almost every Konversion things look better painted. When I take these guys out of the boxes (when I find them, I move around too much) I'll post up some pics. Here's one of Solorg mid paint.

Light-years cooler huh. Some people say that they're too big, others think they shouldn't be allowed to be put on a GW table, others just think its a cool konversion.
Which brings me to the point of this post, and therefore back to the beginning about the message I received. Namely the individual wanted to know about I used them, where he could find a template and a how to.
Now, no self respecting Ork modeler, or for that matter any self respecting modeler would use a template. To do so would be cheating yourself, and I don't do how-to's (at least not yet). I didn't use no stinkin template for dis, and frankly I don't think I'd ever stoop to that. The best way to convert is to scratch your Ead and build something out of nothing.
Nuff Said.